My Week 69: A Sudden Loss

A sudden loss

Sorry that this is so short but I didn’t have that much to laugh about this week. My Uncle Gary died very suddenly on Monday night, and we’ve been dealing with this unexpected loss to our family for the last few days. You didn’t know Uncle Gary, of course, but you should have. Everyone should know a man like Gary. He was warm, kind, generous, and told a great story. Sometimes you never knew where the story was going to end up, but it was always worth the wait. Much love, and Godspeed, Gary. We’ll miss you.

4 thoughts on “My Week 69: A Sudden Loss

  1. If you hadn’t said anything I wouldn’t have known because this post was as funny as any other, although a little different, and I really enjoyed the ghost story. In fact I was laughing right up to the end, and, from the little you’ve said, it seems like Uncle Gary would appreciate that.
    I’m so sorry for your loss.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Kathleen Howell says:

    It’s been a bit, but I’m sorry about your uncle!

    Loved the story! We’ve had weird things happen here too, but luckily, I don’t get any bad feelings from it.

    Liked by 1 person

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