Creative Wednesday – Titles, Talk, and Tipples

A couple of Fridays ago, I sat down with my friend, Jude Matulich-Hall, for the inaugural episode of her new video series Titles, Talk and Tipples. It was a lot of fun–we talked about writing, our upcoming books, and a lot of other things while drinking some very nice wine. There are two parts and here is the first if you’d care to watch it:

There IS a second part, which I MIGHT post next week but by that point, we had both been ‘tippling’ pretty hard, there was a lot of giggling, and my vocabulary had deviated to the singular adjective ‘incredible’. I used it a LOT. Still, it was an excellent time and Jude is a very gracious host, even when she’s tipsy.

13 thoughts on “Creative Wednesday – Titles, Talk, and Tipples

  1. That was fun and I loved it when you got off onto the subjects of pirates and Ray Bradbury. Not at the same time, of course, but, yeah, his process of writing a story a week is pretty daunting, especially when you work a full-time job. And I recall that he said that at a certain point he said he stopped writing a story a week but would instead just write a certain number of words a week. It sounds like you do the same–you just have to compress most of it into the weekends.
    Anyway I enjoyed this so much and look forward to more so, like John Lennon, I’ll be saying “Hey Jude…”

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  2. That was fun, Suzanne. You two had me laughing. And it was great to learn a little about your writing process. It’s fascinating how different we all are (and similar). I never get tired of learning about other authors. Great conversation.

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