Thursday Surprise: The Recording From My Reading: Feasting Upon The Bones

For anyone who wasn’t able to attend my live reading last night, here’s the recording:

I hope you enjoy it. It didn’t work right away and I had a moment where I thought I would cry, but Kate and Ken were there troubleshooting and it all worked out in the end, with almost 30 people joining in. And there was wine.

20 thoughts on “Thursday Surprise: The Recording From My Reading: Feasting Upon The Bones

  1. It really was great and I enjoyed it so much. I thought all the technical difficulties were on my end and, in fact, at one point I know they were because my wifi chose the absolute perfect moment to cut out. But it got better.
    I wondered if you’d be nervous going in and I thought about sharing something with you another Canadian writer, Margaret Atwood, said about readings. I don’t have the exact quote handy but she said they used to terrify her until she realized the people who came to her readings were there because they like her work, and that made her feel better.
    I think you know we all showed up because we we like your work. If anything your reading made it even better.

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    • Yes, I was a little nervous, not about the reading but about the tech not working. But once people started making comments and I realized I had an audience of friends, all that went away. Thank you so much for being there😊

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  2. A wonderful presentation! So glad I finally took the time to view it. You are a great story teller – both reading and writing. I did skip the wine however, 5:00 a. m. was a bit early for that so I enjoyed my morning coffee while listening. 🙂

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