Creative Wednesday: Where I Write

I had the great pleasure of being featured on author Gabi Coatsworth’s official website as part of her series on authors and where they write. My writing space is really precious to me, and I appreciate having the chance to share it with you. If you want to see it and find out more about the place where I wrote Smile, The Dome, Feasting Upon The Bones, and The Seventh Devil, you can read about it here: Where I Write

35 thoughts on “Creative Wednesday: Where I Write

  1. That’s what I call handy. I love your special space, just as much as I loved your book. Yes, you’ll be happy to know I read it in one breath and I can tell you one thing – THIS is precisely what I needed right now.

    I’m sure you’ll write many many books in that artistic corner of yours.

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  2. We all need a room of our own, as Virginia Woolf said, and you have such an amazing one. Something I never realized before now, though, is that it’s not just the space itself but how it’s decorated. You’ve made it your own space with things that are special to you which makes it funny to me that you write dark and twisted tales there. But then it’s a safe space and that’s what allows you to ponder dangerous idea.

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  3. I love how every writer has their own unique space and style. I like to write in my living room in my recliner with the tv playing in the background for noise. In the winter, we always have a fire going, too. 🙂

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